Our goal is to renew American democracy by creating a political climate and national will to promulgate a constitutional amendment ensuring the primacy of the individual voter in the American political process.
The Renew Democracy Amendment Voter Bill of Rights
The Voter Bill of Rights is established to protect the necessary rights of the Citizens in a representative democracy; to fair and equal voting, to primarily fund political campaigns to assure representation of the voter, to representation undistorted by spending outside of political campaigns and parties, and to have readily available a public record of the significant funding sources of the campaigns of candidates for elected office, elected representatives, political parties and any other groups and organizations established in full or in part to advocate for, or against, candidates, elected representatives or political parties:
Voter Bill of Rights
1. The right to make contributions and expenditures to candidates for elected office, elected representatives, and political parties belongs only to natural persons who are citizens of the United States, either through direct contributions and, or, a voter authorized public campaign funding system.
2. The right of the qualified individual citizen to participate in and directly elect all elected officeholders by popular vote in all pertinent local, state, and federal elections shall not be denied or abridged.
3. Political campaign and political party contributions by any citizen shall not exceed an amount reasonably affordable by the average citizen of the United States and the amount a citizen may contribute to their campaign for office shall not exceed 10 times that amount.
4. The raising and spending of money by groups and organizations established in full or in part to purchase advertisements or solicitations that advocate for or against candidates for elected office, elected representatives or political parties, or are active in the purchase of any media display of such advocacy may be equitably regulated by Congress and the States but only as to the volume, timing, and coordination of the spending, and public disclosure for all parties. Congress and the states may not impose any regulation on otherwise lawful content nor regulate any spending that is: less than 5 times the individual contribution limit per election cycle for statewide elections, nor less than 10 times the individual contribution limit per election cycle for federal elections.
5. The manner, amount and course of spending by those lobbying and petitioning of federal, state and local government officeholders by all groups and organizations and those who represent them may be equitably regulated by Congress and the states, and the lobbying and petitioning activities of current and past office holders may also be equitably regulated to prevent substantial influence from current or future transfers of money, goods, services or future employment.
6. The rights of groups and organizations are derived from the individuals who form them. The rights of groups and organizations to spending on political speech are secondary and subservient to the inherent rights of the individual citizen to: fair representation, with sufficient access for each citizen’s desires to be considered in the decisions of their representatives; and equal representation in voting.